I don’t really know too much about arts but I admire people who know about these topics. I think that a good photographer is the one that look around him and knows how to appreciate life, is the one that have the opportunity to see amazing things like the sky, in different colors or a rainbow.
They capture moments that could be normal when you are living them in the daily basis but could be amazing when are seen in a photography.
Discovery channel presents a program named “Factory made”. I’m very curious and I love to know how things are done. That's why this blog caught my attention; I saw the video of NEW BALANCE factory in Flimby, UK. You have never imagine the way the process begins and ends.
The person who wrote this blog was describing day by day the conflict that many people live in Juarez, a city situated in north Mexico. Most of the time we only hear about the conflict and the drugs trafficking in Colombia, but it`s interesting to see that conflict is not only here; the actual situation in Mexico is getting worse. The writer uses an expression “the danger is to be alive” and young people are afraid in the fight to preserve their lives and their rights.