lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010


I didn’t know much about Africans culture; just that they influenced countries like Cuba, Argentina, Dominican Republic and others countries in America; in northern there were many empires, like: Egypt, Cartago, Roma and the Islam; Nowadays China and United States are countries very interest in Africa because of their oil and antiterrorist.

Now that I have read "Building Competitive advantages from Ubuntu: Management lessons from South Africa", I have many arguments to explain their behavior in companies and their lives. First, lets define UBUNTU: “can be defined as humaneness- a perceive spirit of caring and community, harmony and hospitality, respect and responsiveness- that individuals and groups display for one another” (Mangaliso, P. Mzamo, (2001) Building competitive advantage from UBUNTU: Management lessons from South Africa, Academy of Management Executive, vol 15 no 3, pag 24).

This philosophical thought system explains the Africans behavior, including their culture, religion, values, mythology, and the importance of being a human and be treated as well; in all places and situations. These are important factors that managers in companies pay attention at first, but with the pass of the years they start to act forgetting their employees and their requirements. UBUNTU explain us how to create a successful workplace and how to learn and practice it in companies.

The relationships with others in UBUNTU are key concepts; norms are exchanges, maintaining close relations and ignoring self interests. Managers must respect the different cultures, for example, UBUNTU considers kinship ties very important, they treat people, including the ones that have not blood ties, like their family; the presence and the respect of this thought, creates an emotional and psychological support to workers.

Create an environment full of peace and productivity between every member of the company, makes more easily the coexistence and the development of labors; that’s why learn and know the people who are working with us is fundamental, everybody wants to be treat as a human like I said before, employees that don’t have high employments are also important people to the company and their opinions must be listened by their managers.

Managers have to “educate” their employees to do a better job, not shouting them, or giving strict punishments; teaching to love their jobs, getting to the company on time, doing their labors quickly and well done, giving them a treat fairly, giving them a space to say what they think to help to the growth of the company and the most important, making them feel important people, because they are.

lunes, 6 de septiembre de 2010


The tasks for this week consist in a Colombian organization that is trying to internalize a new product or service. The idea is to create a metaphor that could help with its internationalization.

Everything starts with an idea, then you formulate a project, that consist in a planning process in which people make advance decisions to let clear what you want in the future. All aspects have to be take into account; people must question themselves if the new business is an opportunity, a problem or an unmet need.
The costumers you want to focus on are one of the keys of success. The exportation of a new product is not only important because of the sales you are going to achieve, are the costumers, which provide that revenue. That’s why culture plays an important role here; the investors must know how to capture that market, investigating the behavior of the people and if the product is going to be liked in the other country.

After you know your market, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, then come the tactics to make people consume your product. Many companies use different types of advertising in order to generate brand awareness, one of them could be print mediums like magazines; and broadcast advertising like: TV, radio and internet messages.

In Colombia we see brands like Pilsen with the slogan: “Todo heroe merece una pilsen”. Or Multinational companies like Coca-Cola: “Destapa la felicidad”.

For this activity I decided to focus on a drink very famous in our country: chicha; The Muiscas who lived in the plateau “Cundiboyacence” created it and the preparation consist in the crush and fermentation. The issue that differentiate our product is that this drink is based on liquor and is in different flavors like pineapple, apple or banana. We can export our products to South America, where the people admire very well their ancestors and this admiration could help us to expand the market. Alliances with night clubs, bars and restaurants that are recognized by the population could be an excellent way to enter in South America.

The metaphor I want to use is “have fun drinking your past “. It means that when you drink the product you are going to feel happy, funny, and active, this experience is going to stay in your head creating brand recognition. The bottle is going to be so attractive highlighting where the chicha come from.

(image taken


This task consist in choose 5 blogs of ours friends.

1.From Susana Escobar Villegas.

2. From Simon Franco.

3. From Sara Baena Castro.

4.From Maria Mercedes Agudelo.

5.From Manuela Castillo Ramirez