lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010


We can see clear in the video of “The Corporation” by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott and Joel Bakan; that for many, a company is a family unit where people work together but each one of them has different roles; some defend, others pass the ball, but everybody have a common goal, that is WIN.

Phrases like, “time is money”, “we have to win no matter what”,” we have to eliminate the competition”; are some of the feelings of companies; almost always, multinational companies or companies that have some power in the industry, that with the pass of the years have become more and more famous without the specific intention of being recognized; have as their main goal, to achieve the more money they can even if that means low pays to employees, stole ideas from the competition, reduce cost in products or services in order to become a threat to small companies.

Since many years, companies were not that important and didn’t have the position and the recognition that has nowadays. Now corporations are powerful, rich and have control over the population and sectors of the market; being this way, they lose responsibilities, they lose human sense and the question is: should corporations be entitled to the same legal rights as individuals? Yes, corporations have the same legal rights as individuals, but is important to take into account that these entities only work for money, they don’t take care about how many people lose their lives or if the sea is full of oil or how they should fix the damage or how many employees they have to fire. For these and other consequences, corporations must pay, but they can't do so like humans, going to jail; then, the only way the compensate what they did, is paying for it, which finally will finish in a lesson unlearned and the repetition of the fact.

Where the limits should be drawn? We are creating in our minds the thought that corporations are like gods and have to be respect by others, even, no matter what, they make mistakes beacuse they have the power, recognition and the money; but seeing how they affect the world, corporations should be punish like humans because if their rights are the same of us, the responsibilities and the duties should be the same as well.

The corporations are constituted by people, human people, then they are the ones that make decisions; So if some wrong decision affect external people, the person that choose to do what they did wrong, should be punish and all company should suffer the consequence. This way, corporations are going to take care about their decisions and they will have to think more than two times what is the best option

People forget they are people when they enter in a big company, they start to think and act like the goals of the company; they forget values and human quality; in the other way around if people preserve their values, the consequences of mistakes could be minor.

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lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010


First, let’s define what migration is: movement of people from one country to other. People use to do this because of many reasons, for instance: improve quality of life, give better opportunities to their descendents, avoid poverty, conflict or hunger. Another important reason that is going to be developing in this article is the differences in gender that can be reflected in women.

Economical, social, political and environmental reasons are related with migration, for example, people move to search new jobs with better salaries or to develop their professional direction, also as I said before to improve their quality of life or to be more close to their familiars, many others move because of the types of governments (there still exist many countries that have many restrictions to people to live free).

Sri Lanka is an island nation in south Asia; its govern type is a republic and a unitary state which is governed by semi-presidential system, where the major migrants are women, because they work many hours and receive low pay. And there are 3 important factors that affect this situation: gender norms, lack of participation in national politics and the bad position in the international division of labor. (Gamburd. R, Michele, Advocating Sri Lanka migrants workers, Critical Asian Studies, 41: 1 (2009), o61-088)

According to OIM, women are nearly half of the migrant population in the entire world. OIM develops some rights to protect migrants around the world, especially for women, because they are the most vulnerable to discrimination, exploitation and abuse: (OIM.Retrieved on October 16,2010, form

• Promotes legal and safe migration for women

• Promotes policies that regulate the recruitment and deployment of women migrant workers

• Protection and protection of women migrant workers human rights

• Counter-trafficking activities including capacity- building and direct assistance to victims.

• Promotion of gender-sensitive international migration policies

Nowadays there are not these visible gaps between men and women; women participate in many important labors in companies or even tough helping and getting high jobs in politics. Today women migrate independently to search better opportunities of life and give them the place they think they disserve.

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