martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

The Pygmalion Effect.

Perceptions are images we create about things, situations, and people. When you perceived something of someone you expect him/her to do the best they have. People are influence by people, in a job, your boss expect you to do the best you can and you have a pressure that makes you do the best you have no matter what.

The Pygmalion effect tries to understand the behavior of the actors; this effect is commonly use in education and business. The way we develop a job or the way we are day by day is influence by the expectation that the other people have of us. Pygmalion has some benefits very important at the time you apply it: Shows how positive expectations should provide a better efficiency and performance and help managers or teachers to develop employees or students that they want in their companies.

For example in the university many people say that some teacher is very difficult and his/her exams are very complicated; with this kind of comments you can create a perception of this person and you have been influenced by internal factors like: personal experiences, personality (because not everybody says that, maybe there are someone’s who think the opposite) and also exists external factors such as environment and context. (George and Jones, 1999, Buchanan and Huczynski, 2004; Analoui, 2007).

I have a clear example that could explain better what I’m trying to say. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese author and entrepreneur, he is known because his thoughts about the results when the water freezes and form crystals that their shape depends if the words are positive or negative. (Taken from

The video shows an exposition where can be seen the crystals and how the words inside the boxes where the crystals are, influence the color and shape of water; it basically depends on the sense of each word.
This theory is related with the humans because our body is 90% water then Masaru interpret his theory in this way; if the words could do this in water, imagine how can do words in our bodies.

2 comentarios:

  1. Sara Baena Castro:
    Moni, i liked a lot what explanation, about the pygmalion effect, youre example of the university´s teacher is so true. Its very complete beacuse you also talk about the concepts.But from all of it, what i really liked the most is the video, i knew about this and i think that is very intersting, amazing. Your blog is organiez and very pretty is attractive to all readers, and the topics are very intersting.

  2. Moni, I liked the video very much. I had never seen it and I think it's amazing how it fits the pygmalion effect topic.
    Words clearly have an effect in us. Positive words that encourage you to do something, taht make you feel happy, proud, loved, etc. have a good impact in the way you respond and the way you behave towards the other person.
    Negative words by the other hand, instantly provoque feelings of being attacked and need to defend yourself. In this way your behaviour is going to be negative as well and relationships can be damaged.
